finding the light


Nature calls to me in my work.  As an artist who is studying sustainability, I am fascinated by the intricacies and details of complex ecosystems.  I work primarily in photography but I include video in my artistic practice. Adventuring through landscapes allows me to find my focus in each project I do. After spending time within the landscape I am able to capture details of the places I depict in unique ways. For this body of work I focus on places that are near to me, like the woods behind my home. In this transitional time in my life, as I approach graduation and moving for grad school, this work highlights nature that has always been near that I have just now truly discovered. The places I am rooted to have so much life that I had not discovered until I took this chance to look closer.  I love to light my subjects to emphasize the drama that wildlife can create. My art expresses my passion for climate change activism, promoting a greater understanding of the world around us, while also appreciating the local environment we are lucky to have.