wandering wetlands

Nature calls to me in my work. As a photographer who is studying sustainability, I am fascinated by the intricacies of complex ecosystems. In this work, I investigate wetlands, which play an important role in the fight against climate change. There is so much essential life within these ecosystems; adventuring through them allowed me to find my focus. I gravitate to the wetland’s plants, ferns, birds and insects. After spending much time discovering the intricacies within wetlands I was able to capture details of wetlands in unique ways. By using inspiration like that from the chiaroscuro lighting of Renaissance painting I was able to light my subjects to emphasize the drama that wetlands wildlife can create. My art expresses my passion for climate change activism, promoting a greater understanding of the world around us, while also appreciating the local environment we are lucky to have

North Hill Marsh

Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary

Plymouth Tidmarsh

Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary